豆瓣网友:I think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with Penny as the Hubble Telescope does of discovering at the center of every black hole is little man with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker.听着,我认为你能跟Penny做爱的几率跟哈勃太空望远镜发现在每个黑洞中央都有个小人在用闪光灯寻找断路器的几率一样大。,安德鲁·纳科曼导演对帕克·扬说:"一整个小小的宇宙里。有整个小小的时代。"袁帅:你敢说,你敢说,大家把耳朵捂起来,不然我死在这里!I see an opportunity, and I make it happen.只要有机会,我绝不让它溜走。我以前也是朱大海 梦想是美好的 但终要被现实所打败 二英 像一只 从我手上放飞的鸽子,一去不回头, 余罪第二季 我是杜拉拉 最好的我们老九门