豆瓣网友:One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, one way to die. All that world just weighing down on you. You don't even know where it comes to an end.爱一个女人,住一间屋子,买一块地,望一个景,走一条死路。太多选择,我无所适从,漫无止境,茫茫无际。,成浩导演对丁海峰说:"我早就想,要这样载着你翻山越岭。《侧耳倾听》"当一个女孩开始睁开眼睛憧憬。那她的整个世界都变了,没有什么能保持原样。男:路上再多崎岖,就算跌倒也不在意。因为我有壮志雄心。首先请欣赏男生小合唱壮志雄心,表演者 高一()王超等Anderson, don't talk out loud.You lower the IQ of the whole street.安德森,别大声说话,你拉低了整条街的智商