豆瓣网友:You weren't alive anywhere like you were there. But fight club only exists in the hours between when fight club starts and when fight club ends. Even if I could tell someone they had a good fight, I wouldn't be talking to the same man. Who you were in fight club, is not who you were in the rest of the world. The guy who came to fight club for the first time, his ass was a wad of cookie dough. After a few weeks, he was carved out of wood.在那里,你才真正的活了起来。搏击俱乐部只在聚会时存在,就算是我认为打得很棒的人,聚会结束后,也会马上改变。在俱乐部的你不是其他地方的你。刚来俱乐部的人,屁股都是光滑圆润,几周后,就像雕刻过的木头。,植田泰史,高丸雅隆,都築淳一,後藤庸介,岩田和行导演对野村周平说:"青春最美的不是梦,而是与你一起追梦的人。"能不能转成慢性的?现在医学这么发达,转成慢性的一定很容易!我人生最大窘境,就是即使伤心也不会降低食欲,而且脸色还很好。 婚前协议 分手不分手 栀子花开熊出没之年货二爷,你看我姿势对吗?对,走一场看看。我不要,二爷爷还没给我起名字呢。你答应我爹的。你这小子,说什么你倒都记得住。好,我给你起一个。你老子叫解连环,你叫解雨臣,不如,解语花吧?那是什么意思?解语花枝娇朵朵。不懂哎,我不要,换一个嘛。